List of Fusion 360 CAM Parameters, Expressions & Formulas

**Credit to Rob Lockwood of Locked Tool, a Level 71 Machinist, who originally compiled this list**

Here are the Fusion 360 CAM Expressions we find most helpful or most commonly used:






Complete list of the Fusion 360 CAM Expressions:

advancedMode=false; // Advanced Mode TRANSIENT
allowRapidRetract=true; // Allow Rapid Retract
alphaMode=false; // Alpha Mode TRANSIENT
betaMode=false; // Beta Mode TRANSIENT
bottom=bottomOffset; // Bottom
bottomAbsolute=false; // Absolute Bottom TRANSIENT
bottomMode=’from contour’; // Bottom Mode
bottomOffset=0in; // Bottom Offset
bottomRef=undefined; // Bottom Reference DISABLED
chainingTolerance=0.0004in; // Chaining Tolerance
clearanceHeight=retractHeight + clearanceHeightOffset; // Clearance Height
clearanceHeightAbsolute=true; // Absolute Clearance Height TRANSIENT
clearanceHeightMode=’from retract height’; // Clearance Height Mode
clearanceHeightOffset=0.4in; // Clearance Height Offset
clearanceHeightRef=undefined; // Clearance Height Reference DISABLED
context=’operation’; // Context TRANSIENT
contourTolerance=tolerance * 0.5; // Contour Linearization Tolerance
cuspHeight=0mm; // Worst-Case Cusp Height TRANSIENT
direction=’climb’; // Direction
doMultipleDepths=false; // Multiple Depths
explicitRampDiameter=false; // Manual Ramp Diameter
fineStepdown=maximumStepdown; // Fine Stepdown DISABLED
helicalRampDiameter=Math.max((tool_diameter – 2 * tool_cornerRadius) * 0.95; tool_diameter * 0.25); // Helical Ramp Diameter
highFeedrate=Math.max(tool_feedCutting; tool_feedEntry; tool_feedExit); // High Feedrate DISABLED
highFeedrateMode=’disabled’; // High Feedrate Mode
holder_attached=false; // Attached Holder TRANSIENT
holder_comment=”; // Holder Comment TRANSIENT
holder_description=”; // Holder Description TRANSIENT
holder_libraryName=”; // Holder Library TRANSIENT
holder_productId=”; // Holder Product ID TRANSIENT
holder_vendor=”; // Holder Vendor TRANSIENT
leadRadius=tool_diameter * 0.1; // Horizontal Lead In/Out Radius
liftHeight=.1in; // Lift Height
loadDeviation=(optimalLoad<(tool_diameter-optimalLoad*0.20))?(optimalLoad*0.10):(tool_diameter-optimalLoad)/2; // Load Deviation
machineCavities=true; // Machine Cavities
maximumStepdown=Math.min(tool_fluteLength; 10mm); // Maximum Roughing Stepdown DISABLED
metric=false; // Metric TRANSIENT
minimumRadius=tool_diameter * 0.1; // Minimum Cutting Radius
minimumRampDiameter=helicalRampDiameter; // Minimum Ramp Diameter
minimumStayDownClearance=Math.max(Math.min(tool_diameter * 0.1; 15.0); 2.0); // Minimum Stay-Down Clearance
noEngagementFeedrate=Math.max(tool_feedCutting; tool_feedEntry; tool_feedExit); // No-Engagement Feedrate
optimalLoad=tool_diameter * 0.45; // Optimal Load
orderByDepth=false; // Order by Depth
overrideToolView=false; // Tool Orientation
rampAngle=4deg; // Ramping Angle (deg)
rampClearanceHeight=0.1in; // Ramp Clearance Height
rampDiameter=(tool_diameter – 2 * tool_cornerRadius) * 0.95; // Minimum Ramp Diameter DISABLED
rampTaperAngle=0.0deg; // Ramp Taper Angle (deg)
rampType=’helix’; // Ramp Type
reduceOnlyInnerCorners=true; // Only Inner Corners DISABLED
reducedFeedChange=25deg; // Maximum Directional Change DISABLED
reducedFeedDistance=tool_diameter * 0.2; // Reduced Feed Distance DISABLED
reducedFeedRadius=tool_diameter * 0.05; // Reduced Feed Radius DISABLED
reducedFeedrate=tool_feedCutting * 0.25; // Reduced Feedrate DISABLED
retractHeight=stockZHigh + retractHeightOffset; // Retract Height
retractHeightAbsolute=true; // Absolute Retract Heigth TRANSIENT
retractHeightMode=’from stock top’; // Retract Height Mode
retractHeightOffset=0.2in; // Retract Height Offset
retractHeightRef=undefined; // Retract Height Reference DISABLED
roundWalls=false; // Round Walls DISABLED
simpleStockToLeave=false; // Simple Stock To Leave
slopeAngle=tool_taperAngle; // Wall Taper Angle (deg) DISABLED
slotClearingWidth=1.25 * tool_diameter; // Slot Clearing Width DISABLED
smoothingFilter=false; // Smoothing
smoothingFilterTolerance=tolerance * 0.1; // Smoothing Tolerance DISABLED
stayDownDistance=5 * tool_diameter; // Maximum Stay-Down Distance
stayDownLevel=’level10′; // Stay-Down Level
stockBoundaryMode=’bounding-box’; // Stock Boundary
stockToLeave=0.005in; // Radial Stock to Leave
stockZHigh=0.0089535m; // Top of the Stock TRANSIENT
stockZLow=-0.0089535m; // Bottom of the Stock TRANSIENT
strategy=’adaptive2d’; // Strategy TRANSIENT
surfaceTolerance=tolerance * 0.5; // Surface Triangulation Tolerance
surfaceZHigh=0.0079375m; // Top of the Geometry TRANSIENT
surfaceZLow=-0.0079375m; // Bottom of the Geometry TRANSIENT
tolerance=0.004in; // Tolerance
toolViewOriginSelectionMode=’setupWCS’; // Origin Selection Mode DISABLED
tool_bodyLength=(tool_type == ‘form mill’) ? (tool_overallLength) : (tool_shoulderLength + tool_diameter * 2); // Body Length TRANSIENT
tool_breakControl=false; // Break Control TRANSIENT
tool_clockwise=tool_type != ‘tap left hand’; // Spindle Rotation TRANSIENT
tool_comment=”; // Comment TRANSIENT
tool_compensationOffset=tool_number; // Compensation Offset TRANSIENT
tool_coolant=’flood’; // Coolant
tool_cornerRadius=tool_isTurning ? 0.8mm : tool_diameter/4; // Corner Radius DISABLED TRANSIENT
tool_description=”; // Description TRANSIENT
tool_diameter=0.4in; // Diameter TRANSIENT
tool_diameterOffset=tool_number; // Diameter Offset TRANSIENT
tool_feedCutting=40inpm; // Cutting Feedrate
tool_feedEntry=tool_feedCutting; // Lead-In Feedrate
tool_feedExit=tool_feedCutting; // Lead-Out Feedrate
tool_feedPerRevolution=tool_feedPlunge/tool_spindleSpeed; // Feed per Revolution
tool_feedPerTooth=tool_feedCutting/(tool_spindleSpeed * tool_numberOfFlutes); // Feed per Tooth
tool_feedPlunge=(tool_type==’drill’)?(40inpm):(tool_feedCutting/3); // Plunge Feedrate
tool_feedRamp=tool_feedPlunge; // Ramp Feedrate
tool_feedRetract=tool_feedPlunge; // Retract Feedrate DISABLED
tool_fluteLength=(tool_type==’drill’)?(tool_diameter * 10):(tool_diameter * 2); // Flute Length TRANSIENT
tool_isDrill=false; // Tool is for drilling TRANSIENT
tool_isMill=true; // Tool is for milling TRANSIENT
tool_isTurning=false; // Tool is for turning TRANSIENT
tool_lengthOffset=tool_number; // Length Offset TRANSIENT
tool_manualToolChange=false; // Manual Tool Change TRANSIENT
tool_material=’hss’; // Material TRANSIENT
tool_number=1; // Number TRANSIENT
tool_numberOfFlutes=3; // Number of Flutes TRANSIENT
tool_overallLength=(tool_isTurning || tool_type == ‘form mill’) ? 30.0mm : tool_bodyLength + tool_diameter * 2; // Overall Length TRANSIENT
tool_productId=”; // Product ID TRANSIENT
tool_rampFeedPerTooth=tool_feedRamp/(tool_rampSpindleSpeed * tool_numberOfFlutes); // Ramp Feed per Tooth
tool_rampSpindleSpeed=tool_spindleSpeed; // Ramp Spindle Speed
tool_rampSurfaceSpeed=tool_isTurning ? (200m/min) : (tool_stockDiameter * Math.PI * tool_rampSpindleSpeed); // Ramp Surface Speed
tool_shaftDiameter=tool_diameter; // Shaft Diameter TRANSIENT
tool_shoulderLength=tool_fluteLength + tool_diameter; // Shoulder Length TRANSIENT
tool_spindleSpeed=tool_isTurning ? 500rpm : 5000rpm; // Spindle Speed
tool_stockDiameter=tool_isTurning ? (tool_unit == ‘millimeters’ ? 25 : 25.4) : tool_diameter; // Stock Diameter DISABLED
tool_surfaceSpeed=tool_isTurning ? (200m/min) : (tool_stockDiameter * Math.PI * tool_spindleSpeed); // Surface Speed
tool_taperAngle=(tool_type == ‘chamfer mill’) ? 45.0deg : 5.0deg; // Taper Angle DISABLED TRANSIENT
tool_threadPitch=0.04in; // Thread Pitch DISABLED TRANSIENT
tool_tipAngle=(tool_type == ‘counter sink’) ? 90.0deg : 118.0deg; // Tip Angle DISABLED TRANSIENT
tool_tipDiameter=tool_type == ‘spot drill’ ? 0.0 : tool_diameter*0.5; // Tip Diameter DISABLED TRANSIENT
tool_tipLength=(tool_type == ‘center drill’)?(tool_tipDiameter * 2):(0); // Tip Length DISABLED TRANSIENT
tool_tipOffset=0; // Tip Offset DISABLED TRANSIENT
tool_turret=0; // Turret TRANSIENT
tool_type=’flat end mill’; // Type TRANSIENT
tool_unit=’inches’; // Unit TRANSIENT
tool_vendor=”; // Vendor TRANSIENT
top=stockZHigh + topOffset; // Top
topAbsolute=true; // Absolute Top TRANSIENT
topMode=’from stock top’; // Top Mode
topOffset=0in; // Top Offset
topRef=undefined; // Top Reference DISABLED
useEvenStepdowns=false; // Use Even Stepdowns DISABLED
useFeedOptimization=false; // Feed Optimization
useSlotClearing=false; // Use Slot Clearing
useStockToLeave=true; // Stock to Leave
verticalLeadRadius=leadRadius; // Vertical Lead In/Out Radius
verticalStockToLeave=stockToLeave; // Axial Stock to Leave
viewOrigin=”; // Tool Orientation Origin DISABLED
viewPlane=”; // Tool Orientation Plane DISABLED
viewReverseX=false; // Reverse X Axis DISABLED
viewReverseY=false; // Reverse Y Axis DISABLED
viewReverseZ=false; // Reverse Z Axis DISABLED
viewSelection=’originAndOrientation’; // Tool Orientation Selection DISABLED
wcsOriginSelection=’top center’; // WCS Origin DISABLED